Spent $76 saved $61........not quite 50% but a great stock up today!
- Got 25 bottles of Vitamin Water and 5 bottles Smart Water $.50 each...so only $15 for all..........this is on the When you buy 10 deal..mix and match!
- 6 trays Whiska Wet Cat Food..sale .69 had 3 x B1G1 Free so only $2.10 for 6/ .35each
- 1 bag Meow Mix 3.5lbs sale $3.99 had $1.00 off coupon so $2.99
- 3 boxes Purina One Cat Food- $2.99 each but had 3x $2.00 off coup = .99 each!
- 3 pack dog bones $3.99..not on sale
- 3 Canco Dog Treat bags on clearance for $1.06/bag!
- 2 Noxema Face Cream Cleansers...I love these...$3.99 used 2x $1.00 off $2.99 ea.
Another WYB10 deal:
4 Prego Spagetti Sauce $1.49 wyb10 but used 2 x $1.00/2 coup from 9-11 paper = $4.00 or $1 each!...I noticed later I accidentally picked up 5 of these so paid more on the 5th one!
2 Gerber Graduate Lil' Entrees $1.50 -used 2 x $1.00 each = .50 each coupons.com)
4 Yoplait Gogurts $1.49 used 2 x .75/2 so $.49 each!
1 Frys Shred Cheese bag....$2.99 (love this on my spagetti)!
3 cans Pringles 3/$5.00 sale ..no coupon but wanted these!
1 10 pack Frozen Burritos $3.49 no sale but love these for breakfast with my Tabasco Chilpotle Sauce!
2 6packs Hersheys Choc Bars (had ecoupon .50 off but later noticed it did not come off!)....$2.99 each
.70 Crayola Sidewalk Chalk on clearance
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